Our numerous, hardworking committees are powered by active AASLH members who help keep the organization and the field on track with core constituencies, critical issues, and vital functions. AASLH’s Chair of Council, in consultation with the committee chairs, makes all committee appointments in July-August. Committee terms commence October 1, and most committee terms are for two years. If you are interested in serving on a committee, please contact the chair of that committee. View the latest version of the committee handbook here.
This committee serves a dual purpose. The first purpose is to work with AASLH to further the field of state and local history through supporting the educational efforts of the Annual Meeting. The second purpose is to work closely with AASLH staff to ensure the success of the Annual Meeting.
This committee develops the content for sessions and workshops that relate to the theme developed by AASLH staff, Program, and Host chairs. Travel to one Program Committee meeting is required. Committee members are recommended by AASLH staff and the Program and Host co-chairs. If you are interested in serving on the Program Committee, email [email protected].
The Audit Committee works via conference call to review AASLH’s annual independent audit and make recommendations to the AASLH Council. A majority of committee members must have financial expertise.
Mindi Love Pendergraft (Chair), Atchison Amelia Earhart Foundation
David Simmons, Billings Farm and Museum
Kyle McKoy, Mercer Museum & Fonthill Castle
The Diversity and Inclusion Committee advises the Council on ways to build diversity and inclusion (racial/ethnic, cultural, dis/ability, and sexual identity) in the field of history and within the AASLH itself.
Staff Liaison
Matt Arthur, Professional Development Manager, AASLH
The Editorial Advisory Board aids in the publication of books in the AASLH series with Rowman & Littlefield. The committee is charged to seek out and review proposals for the AASLH series of books, to think critically about the needs of the field, and to bring to the committee any new, interesting, and/or innovative research for possible publication. The committee meets quarterly via conference call to review proposals and reader reports, make recommendations on publications, and brainstorm possible book ideas.
Dr. Rebekah Beaulieu, Taft Museum of Art
Jessica Dorman, Historic New Orleans Collection
Harry Klinkhamer, Venice Museum & Archives
Anne Lindsay, Independent
Laura A. Macaluso, York County History Center
Ann McCleary, University of West Georgia
Debra Reid, The Henry Ford
Laura Roberts, Roberts Consulting
Jamie Simek, Eiteljorg Museum
William Stoutamire, University of Nebraska–Kearney
William S. Walker, Cooperstown Graduate Program SUNY Oneonta
Aja Bain, AASLH
Charles Harmon, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
The National Awards Committee oversees the work of the AASLH Leadership in History Awards. AASLH bestows Leadership in History Awards to establish and encourage standards of excellence in the collection, preservation, and interpretation of state and local history in order to make the past more meaningful to all Americans.
By publicly recognizing superior and innovative achievements, the Leadership in History Awards serve as an inspiration to others in the field. The committee works with staff to administer the program. Regional chairs represent their respective regions in reviewing nominations from state chairs and submitting nominations to the national level. Each spring, regional chairs meet to review award nominations and to pass the results of the judging on to their state reps. Travel is required of the regional chairs to the awards review meeting.
AASLH Representatives
Aja Bain, Senior Manager of Professional Development and Publications, [email protected], 615-320-3203
Becky Schoenbachler, Professional Development Coordinator, [email protected], 615-320-3203
The Leadership Nominating Committee works with Council to consider the strategic needs of AASLH and gain direction for identifying a slate candidates for of officers, Council members, and Leadership Nominating Committee members. Members of this committee are elected by the members of the association and serve one three-year term only. Interested in serving on Council or the Nominating Committee? Learn more.
Christy Coleman (Chair), Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation
Tiffini Bowers, John Hay Library, Brown University (2021-2024)
Marvin-Alonzo Greer, Maryland-National Capital Parks and Planning Commission (2021-2024)
Zoia Falevai, Smith Library, Brigham Young University–Hawaii (2021-2024)
Jennifer Edington, Illinois State Museum (2022-2025)
Lance Wheeler, National Center for Civil and Human Rights (2022-2025)
Lisa Worley, Edsel & Eleanor Ford House (2022-2025)
Rich Cooper, Levine Museum of the New South (2023-2026)
Liz Hobson, Yakima Valley Museum (2023-2026)
Jessica Jenkins, Litchfield Historical Society (2023-2026)
Jim Pepper Henry (Ex Officio, voting; Governance Chair), First Americans Museum
Norman Burns (Ex Officio, Immediate Past Chair of Council), Conner Prairie
John Dichtl (Ex Officio, non-voting; President & CEO), AASLH
Interested in serving on the LNC? Learn more and apply today!
The Finance Committee is chaired by AASLH’s Treasurer and meets via conference call to review financial statements prior to each Council meeting and the annual budget. The committee makes recommendations to staff and the AASLH Council as it sees fit. A majority of committee members must have financial expertise.
Becky Beaulieu (Chair and Treasurer), Taft Museum of Art
Norman Burns, Conner Prairie (Ex officio, Immediate Past Chair)
Christy Coleman, Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation
Luis Fernandez, Chaffey College
David Janssen, Brucemore
Kaia Michaelis, Museum of Western Colorado
Steve Murray, Alabama Department of Archives & History
Gina S. Vergara-Bautista, Hawaii State Archives
The Governance Committee develops and provides the resources needed to help AASLH identify, recruit, educate, cultivate, utilize, and monitor the leadership needed to create a high-functioning national organization that models best practices for its members and the field.
Jim Pepper Henry (Chair), First Americans Museum
Norman Burns, Conner Prairie
Christy Coleman, Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation
Scott Wands, Connecticut Humanities
Michelle Moon, Saltworks Interpretive Consulting
Bill Peterson, Historical Society of North Dakota
Sarah Zenaida Gould, Mexican American Civil Rights Institute
Andrea Lowery, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission
Christie Weininger, Hayes Presidential Library & Museums
The Investment Committee is responsible for evaluating the investment strategies of AASLH’s restricted and unrestricted investments, and making adjustments to the strategies as warranted. Members must have investment experience to some degree.
Ann Toplovich (Chair), Nashville TN
Becky Beaulieu (Ex Officio), Taft Museum of Art
Jennifer Kilmer, Washington State Historical Society
Jeff Matsuoka, Indiana Historical Society
Keith Spelmon, Pinnacle Asset Management
Stacy Klingler, AASLH Diversity & Inclusion Committee
Norman Burns (Ex Officio), Conner Prairie
John Dichtl (Ex Officio), AASLH
The Standards and Ethics Committee provides ongoing counsel to the Council and President as needed, makes recommendations for policy when required, issues position papers addressing sections of the AASLH Ethics Statement or related issues, acts as content and copy editor, and appoints subcommittee members or a volunteer author as appropriate for the task, reviews and, if necessary, makes recommendations to the AASLH Council to revise the AASLH Professional Ethics Statement, consults with staff when AASLH considers professional expectations or standards within the field, and works with AASLH’s STEPS program; the only national standards program for history organizations.
Erin Richardson (Chair), Frank & Glory Consulting (2018-2021)
Aimee Newell, Museum of the American Revolution
Chris Goodlett, Kentucky Derby Museum
Alex Rasic, Gamble House Conservancy
Michelle Banks, African American Firefighter Museum, Los Angeles, CA
Ellen Endslow, Chester County History Center
Sara Phalen, West Chicago City Museum
Angela Agard, Clemson Area African American Museum
Margaret Koch, Bullock Texas State History Museum
John Marks, AASLH
The purpose of the Climate Sustainability Committee is to survey current and needed practice to make recommendations to the AASLH Council on how to support and guide the field as it incorporates environmental sustainability and climate work, internally and externally, to reflect standards of responsible stewardship.
Affinity Communities
Affinity Communities—each led by a committee—are broad, informal digital and in-person groups that provide resources, advice, and networking to those interested in particular aspects or niches of public history work. They serve as forums and sounding boards for their members, who work or volunteer with diverse organizations across the country to advance the mission of innovative and inclusive state and local history.
Task Forces
From time to time, the AASLH chair appoints additional task forces and working groups to accomplish specific goals, usually within a set time frame.
Created in 2015, this group is a means to keep the AASLH Council and staff in closer communication with individuals who know the association, its needs, and its history well. The Emeritus Council consists of all those who have served on the AASLH Council, and currently includes about 150 people. From time to time the AASLH President & CEO and Council seek advice and service from members of the Emeritus Council; for example, with AASLH’s awards, bylaw revisions, advocacy, and strategic planning.
The purpose of the History in Our Parks Task Force is to identify the unique needs and challenges of parks and recreation agencies that care for historic and cultural resources while operating within a system that is not geared towards heritage preservation. In doing this, the task force seeks to gather data on the number of parks and recreation agencies (municipal, county, and others) that care for historic and cultural resources (museums, historic sites, collections, archeological sites, cemeteries, landscapes, etc.), initiate an assessment of their needs and challenges, and explore how AASLH can help through networking, training, and collaborative efforts with other organizations.
Shawn Halifax (Chair), Charleston County Park & Recreation Commission
Joanna Brace, Arizona State Parks & Trails
Monica Drake, Heritage Village
Omar Eaton-Martinez, Prince George’s County Parks and Recreation
Jen Marsh, Williamalane Park and Recreation District
Antone Pierucci, Riverside County Parks
Michelle Podkowa, DuPage County Historical Museum
Amanda Vance, Texas City Museum
Laura Willoughby, City of Newport News Parks, Recreation and Tourism
John Marks, AASLH