What We Believe

Our mission and aspirational values are currents that run through everything we do and push our work forward.

AASLH provides leadership, resources, and advocacy to help the history community thrive and tell a shared history in which everyone belongs.

U.S. history organizations will prosper, tell everyone’s story, and be central to important conversations in their communities. As a result, the public will use critical thinking and emotional intelligence skills to actively engage with and address contemporary issues and to value history for its relevance to modern life.

1. We believe a complete, shared history advances progress toward a more just society.

2. We build and maintain networks. AASLH serves as a central hub for the history community connecting organizations and practitioners to one another.

3. We are curious. AASLH creates opportunities for thinking critically about questions and challenges facing the field.

4. We are enthusiastic, supportive collaborators. AASLH welcomes opportunities to work with others.

5. We embrace challenges. AASLH aims to find the best solutions, even if they are unconventional.

Our Strategic Framework incorporates our mission, vision, and values to guide us purposefully forward. Strategic Framework

This Framework serves as a guide for decision-making related to diversity, inclusion, equity, and accessibility at the American Association for State and Local History (AASLH). The concepts and ideas articulated within this framework are specific to the organization’s internal workings, emphasizing AASLH Council, Staff, Committees, and Affinity Groups. While this document provides overarching guidelines of our collective work, more detailed aspects are (or will be)
reflected and updated in written policies and procedures.

Read the Framework.

The Value of History Statement

This explanation of the essential importance of history was created by the History Relevance initiative and is endorsed by hundreds of organizations across the country. The History Relevance Initiative (formerly History Relevance Campaign), a volunteer group of history professionals across the United States, was active from 2012-2021. Its original goal to raise the profile of history in the national dialogue, ultimately changed into the goal to help history organizations across the history field to think intentionally about how to make their history products more relevant to their audiences.

You can download a PDF of the “Value of History” statement, along with a list of endorsers, here.


IDENTITY » History nurtures personal and collective identity in a diverse world. People discover their place in time through stories of their families, communities, and nation. These stories of freedom and equality, injustice and struggle, loss and achievement, and courage and triumph shape people’s personal values that guide them through life.

CRITICAL THINKING » History teaches vital skills. Historical thinking requires critical approaches to evidence and argument and develops contextual understanding and historical perspective, encouraging meaningful engagement with concepts like continuity, change, and causation, and the ability to interpret and communicate complex ideas clearly and coherently.


VIBRANT COMMUNITIES » History is the foundation for strong, vibrant communities. A place becomes a community when wrapped in human memory as told through family stories, tribal traditions, and civic commemorations as well as discussions about our roles and responsibilities to each other and the places we call home.

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT » History is a catalyst for economic growth. Communities with cultural heritage institutions and a strong sense of historical character attract talent, increase tourism revenues, enhance business development, and fortify local economies.


ENGAGED CITIZENS » History helps people envision a better future. Democracy thrives when individuals convene to express opinions, listen to others, and take action. Weaving history into discussions about contemporary issues clarifies differing perspectives and misperceptions, reveals complexities, grounds competing views in evidence, and introduces new ideas; all can lead to greater understanding and viable community solutions.

LEADERSHIP » History inspires leaders. History provides today’s leaders with role models as they navigate through the complexities of modern life. The stories of persons from the past can offer direction to contemporary leaders and help clarify their values and ideals.

LEGACY » History, saved and preserved, is the foundation for future generations. Historical knowledge is crucial to protecting democracy. By preserving authentic and meaningful documents, artifacts, images, stories, and places, future generations have a foundation on which to build and know what it means to be a member of the civic community.

These documents provide our governing framework.

AASLH Bylaws

AASLH Articles of Incorporation

AASLH is a membership organization comprised of individuals, agencies, and organizations acting in the public trust, engaged in the practice of history, and representing many disciplines and professions. The association and its members are expected to take affirmative steps to maintain their integrity and preserve public confidence.