Field Services Alliance
Field Services Alliance
The Field Services Alliance (FSA) is an organized group of individuals, offices, and agencies that provide training, guidance, and other forms of assistance to local historical societies, archives, libraries, and museums in their respective states or regions. The FSA exists to create a forum to share information, provide mutual support and collegiality, and promote scholarship among those who, on a statewide or regional level, offer educational services to local historical organizations and other who practice history.
Our Mission
The Field Services Alliance (FSA) exists to create a forum to share information, provide mutual support and collegiality, and promote scholarship among those who, on a statewide or regional level, offer educational services to local historical organizations and others who practice history.
Who We Are
FSA members are paid staff members of organizations that have and promote an organized, ongoing program for delivery of services to small, grassroots history organizations. If your historical organization needs assistance, contact the field services office in your state by referring to the Agent Listing tab.
What We Do
The types of services that individual Field Services offices vary, but can include:
- Workshops and webinars geared toward the operation of museums
- Onsite visits and consultations
- Grant programs
- Technical resources and documents
- Meeting facilitation
- Supply kits
- Assessments
- Network-building opportunities
- And much more
The FSA meets twice yearly – once for an annual Spring Training (hosted virtually) and once at the AASLH Annual Conference. In addition, the FSA offers an FSA Tips session each year during the annual meeting on a topic geared towards small museums.
Our History
In July 1988, a group convened in Chicago by AASLH as the Field Services Task Force agreed to continue meeting to discuss mutual interests and concerns. Borne of that decision was a collaboration among a small group of public historians which has evolved into an active group of field services representatives who share ideas, resources, and strategies for their work to support local history organizations and practitioners.
Field Services Alliance Committee
The AASLH Field Services Alliance Affinity Community is led by the following committee:
Allison Campbell, Chair (2022-2024)
Washington State Historical Society, Tacoma, WA
[email protected]
Tamara Hemmerlein, Vice Chair (2022-2024)
Indiana Historical Society, Indianapolis, IN
[email protected]
Katie Lowe, Secretary (2022-2024)
Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts, Philadelphia, PA
[email protected]
David Belew (2023-2025)
Maryland Center for History and Culture, Baltimore, M
[email protected]
Marie Desrochers (2023-2025)
Utah Division of Arts and Museums, Salt Lake City, UT
[email protected]
Emily Hermans (2022-2024)
Texas Historical Commission, Austin, TX
[email protected]
Emily Huebner, (2024-2026)
Heart of the Civil War Heritage Area, Frederick, MD
[email protected]
Katie Henry (2023-2025)
Oregon Heritage Commission, Salem, OR
[email protected]
Emily Johnson (2022-2024)
Utah Division of Arts and Museums, Salt Lake City, UT
[email protected]
Erik London (2023-2025)
Alabama Department of Archives and History, Montgomery, AL
[email protected]
AASLH Staff Contact
Matt Arthur, Professional Development Manager
[email protected]
About Field Services
About Field Services Alliance
Resource Center
- Browse through more resources in the AASLH Resource Center.
Looking for help?
Field Services Alliance (FSA) members are paid staff members of organizations that have and promote an organized, ongoing program for delivery of services to small, grassroots history organizations.
If your historical organization needs advice or technical assistance, please contact the field services office in your state. Additionally. you’ll find national resources below the state listings as well as a list of interested colleagues who aren’t directly associated with a field service office but are willing to assist local organizations.
Alabama Department of Archives & History
Alaska State Museum
Museum Association of Arizona
Contact: [email protected]
Arkansas Historical Society
Contact: Donna Ludlow, 479-575-5884
The Department of Arkansas Heritage
Balboa Art Conservation Center
Contact: [email protected], 619-236-9702
California Association of Museums
Contact: [email protected], 831-471-9970
Colorado-Wyoming Association of Museums
History Colorado / Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation
Contact:, 303-447-8679
Connecticut Humanities
Contact: Scott Wands, 860-937-6535
Connecticut League of History Organizations
Contact: [email protected], 860-832-2674
Florida Association of Museums
Contact: [email protected], 850-222-6028
Georgia Association of Museums & Galleries
Contact: [email protected], 770-853-7539
Idaho State Historical Society
Contact:, 208-334-2682
Illinois Association of Museums
Contact: [email protected]
Illinois Heritage Association
Contact: [email protected], 217-359-3781
Indiana Historical Bureau
Contact: [email protected], 317-232-2535
Local History Services, Indiana Historical Society
Contact: [email protected], 317-234-0170
Iowa Museum Association
Contact: [email protected], 319-239-2236
State Historical Society of Iowa
Contact: [email protected], 515-281-4006
Kansas Museums Association
Kentucky Heritage Council
Contact: 502-564-7005
Kentucky Historical Society
Contact: Amanda Higgins, 502-564-1792 (General phone, will connect to Community Engagement Offices)
Kentucky Museum and Heritage Alliance
Contact: [email protected]
Historic New Orleans Collection
Heart of the Civil War Heritage Area
Contact: Elizabeth Scott Shatto, 240-285-6727
Maryland Center for History and Culture
Contact: Katie Caljean, 410-685-3750
Maryland Historical Trust
Contact: Elizabeth Hughes, 410-467-9556
Maryland Humanities Council
Contact: [email protected], 410-685-0095
NEDCC Northeast Document Conservation Center
Contact: [email protected], 978-470-1010
Historical Society of Michigan
Midwest Art Conservation Center
Contact: [email protected], 612-870-3120
Minnesota Alliance of Local History Museums
Contact: [email protected], 612-500-7460
Minnesota Association of Museums
Contact: [email protected]
Minnesota Historical Society – Local History Services
Contact: [email protected], 651-259-3492
Rethos (formerly the Preservation Alliance of Minnesota)
Contact: [email protected], 651-293-9047
Mississippi Department of Archives and History
Contact: [email protected], 601-576-6901
Mississippi Humanities Council
Contact: Stuart Rockoff, 601-432-6753
Missouri Association for Museums and Archives
Montana Historical Society
Contact: Bruce Whittenberg, 406-444-2694
Nebraska Museums Association
Contact: [email protected]
Nevada Museums Association
Contact: [email protected]
New Hampshire
New Hampshire Historical Society
New Jersey
Advocates for New Jersey History
Contact: [email protected]
County Culture and Heritage (Each county has a field services office. You can be directed to your specific office by contacting them).
Contact: [email protected], 732-745-4489
New Jersey Historical Commission
Contact: Niquole Primiani, 609-943-3307
Preservation New Jersey
Contact: [email protected] , 609-583-0881
South Jersey Cultural Alliance
Contact: [email protected], 609-626-3630
New Mexico
New Mexico Association of Museums
Contact: [email protected]
New York
Documentary Heritage and Preservation Services for New York
Contact: [email protected], 215-545-0613
Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor
Greater Hudson Heritage Network
Museum Association of New York (MANY)
North Carolina
North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources
Contact: 919-814-6800
North Dakota
State Historical Society of North Dakota
Contact: [email protected], 701-328-2666
Ohio History Connection
Contact: [email protected]
Ohio Museums Association
Contact: [email protected]
Oklahoma Museums Association
Contact: Brenda Granger, 404-424-7757
Oregon Heritage Commission
Contact: [email protected], 503-986-0696
Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts
Contact: [email protected], 215-545-0613
Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission
Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office
Rhode Island
Rhode Island Historical Society
South Dakota
South Dakota State Historical Society
Contact: [email protected], 615-320-3203
Center for Historic Preservation, MTSU
Contact: [email protected], 615-898-2947
Humanities Tennessee
Contact: [email protected], 615-770-0006
Tennessee Historical Commission
Contact: 615-532-1550
Tennessee State Library and Archives
Contact: 615-741-2764
Texas Association of Museums
Contact: Brittany Petrilli, 817-332-1177
Texas Historical Commission
Contact: Laura Casey, 512-463-6427
Utah Division of Arts & Museums’ Office of Museum Services
Contact: Emily Johnson
Utah Humanities
Contact: Megan van Frank, 801-359-9670
Vermont Historical Society
Contact: Eileen Corcoran, 802-479-8522
Virginia Association of Museums
Contact: 804-358-3170
Contact: [email protected], 206-296-0405
Washington State Historical Society
Contact: Allison Campbell, 253-798-5919
Washington D.C.
Foundation for Advancement in Conservation
Contact: [email protected], 202-750-3346
Wisconsin Historical Society, Local History Services, Office of Programs and Outreach
Contact: [email protected], 608-264-6579
Association of Registrars and Collections Specialists
Contact: [email protected]