Education on Your Schedule
Courses on demand are AASLH professional development opportunities on a variety of topics with maximum flexibility for the busy professional or student. AASLH Courses On Demand are online courses designed by history professionals that can be accessed and followed independently at any time. They offer accessible primers on relevant topics that can be completely customized to the student’s schedule. Courses share presentations and readings, but do not include mandatory meeting times or instructor or classmate interaction. You have a full year to review and learn the material, on your time, at your pace.
If you would prefer more interaction and discussion in your learning journey, consider an Instructor-Led Course instead.
Courses are created by subject matter experts and include topics such as:
- Diversity, equity, and inclusion
- Accessibility
- Introduction to Indigenous history
- LGBTQ+ inclusion
- Fundraising
- Program planning
Time Commitment:
Most of these courses will be based on a 5-7 week course, with the student being expected to spend 5-7 hours per week on the course. The student will have access to complete the course for one year after registering.
$65 members / $90 nonmembers
Courses on Demand are available in the AASLH Resource Center.