2017 Award of Distinction winner Lonnie Bunch with Council Chair Katherine Kane and AASLH President and CEO John Dichtl.
AASLH invites nominations for the 2020 Leadership in History Awards. Now in its 75th year, the awards program is the most prestigious national recognition for achievement in the preservation and interpretation of local, state, and regional history.
The AASLH Leadership in History Awards recognize exemplary work completed by historical societies, museums, libraries, archives, academic classes or departments, cultural institutions, foundations, and organizations outside the field of traditional historical agencies.
Awards are given for exhibits, public programming, multimedia and special projects, publications, individual achievement, and more. Nominees need not be members of AASLH to qualify. See a list of 2019 winners here.
Info Video
To learn about the program and why you should apply, no matter what your budget size, and get tips for how to put together an award-winning nomination, watch this video of the informational webinar from 2018 which will give you an overview of the program, as well as providing tips for submitting a nomination (54 minutes).
Live Q&A
Join us January 14 for a FREE live webinar with the AASLH awards team for a chance to ask questions and get tips for how to navigate the awards nomination process. Register here.
February 1, 2020: Publication category and Award of Distinction nominations due.
March 1, 2020: All other award categories nominations due.