The 2016 Annual Meeting is just around the corner and many AASLH members will be taking in the sites, catching a baseball game, and reconnecting with friends we have not seen since we met in Louisville. The Religious History Affinity Group is well represented in the program this year and we invite you to join us.

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On Thursday, September 15, affinity group member Karen Wade will chair the session titled, “Spirituality at Our Sites: Providing Space for Meditation and Reflection.” This session will look at how institutions that explore religious and cultural history can also provide opportunities for visitors for meditation and reflection. The case studies will represent the Jewish, Native American, and Christian traditions and discuss the benefits and challenges of allowing space for private spirituality. The session starts at 1:30pm.


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Saturday morning join us for our annual breakfast. Al Rice, treasurer of The Historic First Congregational Church of Detroit will speak to us. Not only does the Church serve as the place of worship for local practitioners, but the Church is home to the Underground Railroad Living History Museum. The invites visitors to experience the Underground Railroad engaging in a reenactment of events along the trail to freedom. To view a recent newscast about the museum, click here.

We hope everyone has a great time at the annual meeting and look forward to seeing everyone in Detroit.

Please note: Pre-sale has ended for all breakfast, luncheon, workshop, tour, and event tickets. Tickets can be purchased onsite at the registration counter.