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mhm bus group

Focusing On Visitors: Public Programming And Exhibits At History Institutions
This workshop provides a broad overview of public programming and exhibits focusing on active learning at different kinds of history organizations. Seasoned educators direct conversations about museum education and what it is museum educators do. Through interactive activities and case studies, participants will learn about audience types, volunteer management and training, tour techniques, active learning with people of all ages, developing exhibits with visitors in mind, technology, evaluations, planning, and working with others to build programs. Participants will leave the workshop with information and materials they can take back to their organizations to adapt and use!

  • April 1-2 2015
  • Location: Missouri History Museum St. Louis, MO
  • $270 members/$345 nonmembers
  • $40 discount if payment received by February 25 


Connecting Your Collections To Teachers And Students
Through a combination of presentations, discussions, hands-on activities, and take-home materials, this workshop addresses the various elements of museum education and program planning needed to create an engaging, educational, and successful program with a focus on collections-based programming. Topics include learning styles, presentation strategies, audience types, planning strategies and program assessment, using research, training staff, and crafting programming that is meaningful to the education community.

  • June 17-18, 2015
  • Location: Chicago History Museum
  • Cost: $270 members/$345 nonmembers
  • $40 discount if payment received by May 13