History in Our Parks
The History in Our Parks Affinity Community serves history practitioners who work within local, state, or other parks and recreation departments. Guided by a committee of parks practitioners, the affinity community has two primary goals:
- Help AASLH and the wider history community identify and serve the unique needs and challenges of practitioners at parks and recreation agencies that care for historic and cultural resources while operating within a system that is not geared towards history and cultural heritage.
- Provide community for history practitioners at parks agencies, providing them opportunities to network with and learn from their colleagues working in similar circumstances across the country.
This affinity community was initially created as the “History in Our Parks Task Force” in 2019, seeking to better understand the needs of history practitioners operating within public parks agencies. In 2022, the Task Force completed a national survey of practitioners, offering an initial assessment of the unique challenges such practitioners are facing. That report can be found here. Following the publication of the report, the task force determined the best way to continue serving this group of practitioners was through an Affinity Community, allowing it to build community and share knowledge among parks practitioners nationwide.
The AASLH History in Our Parks Community Google Group is a place to stay connected with other history practitioners working in park settings, ask questions, and share resources and news. If you’d like to participate, go to the Google Group and click the Ask to Join Group button.
You can create a Google account with an email that is not Gmail. See these instructions and scroll down to “Can I use an existing email address?” Since so many park practitioners have government email addresses, these instructions may be necessary for joining the group.
History in Our Parks Committee
The AASLH History in Our Parks Affinity Community is led by the following committee:
Sarah Marshall, Chair (2023-2025)
City of Austin Parks and Recreation, Austin, TX
[email protected]
Michelle Podkowa, Secretary (2023-2025)
DuPage County Historical Museum, Wheaton, IL
[email protected]
Scott Chamness (2023-2025)
Texas Parks and Wildlife, Austin, TX
[email protected]
Luci Cochran (2024-2026)
Hampton History Museum, Hampton, VA
[email protected]
Maya Davis (2023-2025)
Riversdale House Museum, Riverdale,MD
[email protected]
Paige Gibbons-Backus (2023-2025)
Brentsville Courthouse Historic Centre & Lucasville School, Bristow, VA
[email protected]
Hillary Kidd (2023-2025)
Farmers Branch Historical Park, Farmers Branch, TX
[email protected]
AASLH Staff Contact
John Marks, Director, Research and Strategic Initiatives
[email protected]