AASLH Stands for Public Access to History Books and Supports History Practitioners
Over the past few years, a small but vocal group of Americans have attempted through various means to limit public access to [...]
Take Courage: Personal Agency and Mutual Encouragement
By Avi Decter They draw near and come. Each one helps the other, saying to his fellow, "Take Courage!" Isaiah 41: 5-6 [...]
Supporting the Next Generation, Part 2: Takeaways
Erin Wright (IHS intern 2022-2023) leads the Ugly Sweater contest at an annual event. By Bethany Hrachovec, Indiana Historical Society [...]
Supporting the Next Generation, Part 1: Reflections
Cheyenne Grimes (IHS intern 2020-2021) leads a walking tour she researched and wrote. By Bethany Hrachovec, Indiana Historical Society and [...]