Curating Opportunity: Practical Tips for Developing a Graduate Internship
Abigail Chavez (left) with undergraduate Archives Student Assistant Alena Buckley ‘23. Chavez served as the Public History Graduate Intern with Illinois [...]
Small Museum Virtual Summit Registration Now Open
small But MIGHTY: the powerful resilience of SMALL museums Virtual Summit December 5 - 6, 2023 $55 AASLH Members / $75 Nonmembers [...]
A Small Museum Director at AASLH2023
By Faith Walker, Museum Director, The Great Bend Museum, Ravenswood, WV I was very excited and honored to receive the Small Museums [...]
Civic Education and Conversations in Mississippi
By the Federation of State Humanities Councils and John Spann, Mississippi Humanities In September 2021, the National Endowment for Humanities (NEH) awarded [...]