If your organization has been waiting for the right time to enroll in the StEPs program, this is it! Big things are happening in the StEPs community this Spring, and you do not want to miss them.

PLUS! Organizations that enroll in StEPs during the month of May receive a free AASLH technical leaflet bundle download valued at $22.50.

What is StEPs?
StEPs is all about the daily tasks you already do like caring for collections, planning programs, and working with a board of directors. StEPs guides small- to mid-sized museums and historic sites in assessing all areas of operation and helps them identify what they’re doing well and what needs attention. Using a workbook, an online community with hundreds of resources, and progress certificates, StEPs does the heavy lifting to help you manage your organization.

One-time Enrollment Fee: $175
AASLH Institutional Member Dues: $115

Learn more about StEPs and why it’s right for you!

You can also contact:

Cherie Cook
Senior Program Manager