Together in the Face of Uncertainty
Over the past two weeks, I’ve heard from colleagues throughout the history community expressing their distress about impending challenges to the [...]
Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment and the All-Volunteer History Organization
Editor's Note: This is the second post in a series of posts written by members of the AASLH Gender Discrimination and [...]
The 250th Anniversary and the Road Ahead
By John Marks and Madeleine Rosenberg On Friday, January 24, 2025, AASLH published the latest installment of our “250 and Beyond” [...]
Update on the Federal Funding Pause
On Monday, January 27, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released Memorandum M-25-13 instructing all federal agencies to [...]
Residential Water Conservation Using the Rancho Model
Editor's Note: If you'd like to learn more about this project and other ways your organization can increase the [...]
Happy 84th Anniversary AASLH!
AASLH’s first logo, 1940 by Megan Spainhour, AASLH Membership and Office Coordinator In 1904, the American Historical [...]
HLI Takes Public History to the Streets
By Andrea Jones, Director, History Leadership Institute With Nicole Martinez LeGrand, Multicultural Collections Curator, Indiana Historical Society Does our [...]
Pellentesque gravida augue orci, non condim
Cras id eros vulputate, ultricies eros at, aliquam sem. In elementum risus est, quis varius dolor imperdiet sed. Nullam vel imperdiet leo. Cras at [...]
Vivamus ut magna turpis
Pellentesque a massa nec massa laoreet iaculis. Nam fermentum porta velit. Aenean mattis bibendum dictum. Nulla convallis egestas [...]
Fusce cursus dolor sit amet
Quisque in lacus egestas, aliquet velit id, congue velit. Pellentesque ullamcorper laoreet risus, a rutrum erat aliquet eget. [...]
Phasellus gravida risus eget
Aliquam eget quam et tortor ullamcorper ornare ac vel odio. Etiam vitae dui congue, mattis felis at, dignissim [...]
Small Museums and Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
By Joan H. Baldwin Decades ago, when I was offered my first job as a county historical society director, I felt like the saint [...]
We Need You at Museums Advocacy Day 2025
Museums Advocacy Day February 24 – 25, 2025 Washington, DC Organized by the American Alliance of Museums Supported by the American Association for State [...]
AASLH Announces New Location for the History Leadership Institute and Opens Registration for 2025 Cohort
The American Association for State and Local History (AASLH) is excited to announce a significant change for the History Leadership Institute (HLI), the premier [...]
A New Strategic Framework
By John Dichtl, AASLH President and CEO AASLH staff, committees, and Council have been discussing the organization’s strategic direction off and on for the [...]
Conference Connections at AASLH2024
By René A. Ballesteros, Latinos in Heritage Conservation My name is René A. Ballesteros, and I recently attended the 2024 AASLH Annual Conference thanks [...]
New Ideas and Inspiration: A First-Time Attendee at AASLH2024
By Valerie Mendoza, The Other Roads Historical Consulting The last thing I expected to encounter as I prepared for my first AASLH conference was [...]