Visitation at Historic House Museums
By John Garrison Marks and W. Maclane Hull This [...]
Using Jazz Improvisation As A Model For Developing Exhibits
Jazz improvisation begins with a melodic phrase, then it invites a response and builds on a theme. Sometimes pleasing, sometimes cacophonous, the result is rooted in the magic of call and response. Think of it as history in action.
URGENT: COVID-19 Advocacy Alert
Urge Your U.S. Legislators to Include Museums in COVID-19 [...]
University Museum Studies Programs and Small Museums, a Win-Win Collaboration
I’ve been the Director of the C.H. Nash Museum at Chucalissa, [...]
Uniting Town and Gown: Municipal Museum Partners with Local Colleges
A portion of the Made for the Tourist Trade [...]
Understanding the Challenges of History in Our Parks
Natchez Trace National Scenic Trail, Mississippi By Antone [...]